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Guess who this baby is

1. He was born in New York City on June 3, 1967.
2. His mother is American artist, actress, heiress and socialite Gloria Vanderbilt.
3. From age 10 to 13, he modeled with Ford models for Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Macy's.
4. He hosts a popular television news show, which for its title, has his name and a number equivalent to the circumference of a circle.
5. He has blonde hair and looks very dapper everytime you see him onscreen.

Answer: Anderson Cooper

Yes, this is a picture of a very young Anderson Cooper, who was just around 1 year old when this was taken. It was shot by popular American photographer Diane Arbus. This picture of the popular CNN Anchor ran in Harper's Bazaar and is one of the crowd-stopping pictures at the Met.

In a phone interview, Cooper says that he still has this picture in his bedroom.


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