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The largest photo from US President Obama's Inauguration

This is a part of the image shot by David Bergman using a GigaPan Imager. As explained by the photographer in his blog, a GigaPan is a robotic camera mount that allows one to capture multiple images and stitch them together, creating a massive image file.

The finished product of the process resulted to an image with a resolution of 59,783 x 24,658 pixels or 1,474 megapixels equivalent to a 2GigaByte TIF File. It took the GigaPan software over six and a half hours to put the image together in the photographer's MacBook Pro.

You can see the minutest details during the inauguration and Bergman noted that he even saw Yo-Yo Ma taking a picture of the festivities using his iPhone.

Check out the full resolution picture in David Bergman's blog by clicking on this link


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